heather garrett
luxury living in the modern south
I raised my family in downtown Durham, a diverse city, where I remain today. While some residents are still struggling to recover from the bust of tobacco manufacturing a generation ago, others are transforming the urban landscape for a new generation of families and professionals returning to cities. The well-healed and highly educated live beside the homeless and struggling, while costs of living rise and the desperate become moreso.
I've struggled to find a way of using my talents to help those who need shelter and comfort, but don't have the resources to get there. A Lotta Love, an extraordinary organization, is doing something amazing for families living in temporary shelters.
We know, from endless data and studies, that our home environment shapes the way we're able to live in relationship with others, sleep, work, play, and care for ourselves emotionally. A Lotta Love is dedicated to raising awareness of homelessness in the Triangle, and transforming the shelter environment with the comforts of a beautiful home, one room at a time, for incoming familes. When that family is ready to move on, the room decorations go with them. Particularly for children and single mothers, this is a desperately needed source of comfort as they transition and are empowered to believe they deserve a brighter future.
For every HGID project completed,
One Room
is donated to
A Lotta Love